Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Really off balance today and yesterday

I have been upset and agitated and aggravated since yesterday. I hate when I get like this. I feel like all my spiritual practice has been for nothing, a waste of time. I don't want to meditate to calm down, nothing makes me feel better. I eat sugar, chocolate, junk food in large quantities and I am still not happy. I can't concentrate at work, I lazed away my time in the gym, just riding the stationary bike at level 1. I can't read a book or magazine. I feel like there is a wild demon inside me and I am just barely keeping him from doing something terrible. I have trouble sleeping. Our neighbors above were their usual loud selves and I almost went up there in my pajamas seething with rage screaming for them to stop their child from running around above my head so I could sleep! I didn't but I don't trust myself to speak to anyone when I am like this. I am alone in my bedroom away from the family so I don't bite their heads off for nothing and have to apologize later. I am angry at everything I have to do - at every situation in my life. Why should I have to work? Why should I have to diet? Why should I have to exercise? Why should I have to make dinner? At the same time, any things that used to give me pleasure don't.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! when I read your entry I though I could put my name to it. Must be something in the air lol.