Thursday, September 9, 2004


A few days after my 40th birthday, I got an invitation to try More magazine, the magazine for women over 40. Well, that didn't take long. I was pretty upset about it actually. I wasn't ready to think of myself as an over 40 woman. I was ready to throw the envelope into the trash, uninspected but I couldn't. Curiosity caught me. What does a magazine for women over 40 look like, what kind of articles do they have? Maybe the will be more intelligent than the drivel in Cosmo or Glamour? I looked through it, like the overly curious girl that I am and they had 2 pictures of Jamie Lee Curtis (full article). One with her looking fabulous, like she always does, and one with her in underwear, no makeup, and flat hair. I looked at her and thought, wow she looks like me. I don't mean she looks like me really but she looks about as good as I look, give or take. She has some flab, she has some cellulite. She looks like a normal person. And she's smiling. I would hardly be able to keep from grimacing in her position. What a cool woman! I wanna buy that magazine. And I did. I know it's not good to read women's magazines, but I figured one that actually made me feel good about my body, might be ok.

I received the Sept. issue. I like the fall fashions. They look like I could wear them. There is an ok article about Stepmothers, nothing I didn't already know. And there is an article called Meditate or Medicate? Can the spritual approach really help those suffering from depression? Although it advocates meditation, the article cautions that a combination of medicine and meditation may be required. My personal experience is that when I meditate more regularly, I feel better emotionally. Another reason to stop avoiding the cushion.


Anonymous said...

that's too funny. i happened to pick up a copy of More magazine to read while I worked out on the elliptical machine at the gym. i'd never heard of it before, but ellen degeneres was on the cover and i think she's pretty darn cool. i didn't realize it was for women over 40 at first, but after awhile I realized who their target audience was. even if it wasn't aimed at me, i still enjoyed reading it. definitely more body positive and intelligent than most of the women's magazines i've seen (which i avoid.)

interesting about the meditation. i feel like it would be helpful for me to do some meditating. doing nothing sounds wonderfully appealing and very hard at the same time.

Anonymous said...

oops, i forgot to say that was me, kat.