Wednesday, August 4, 2004

Media bias

My sister sent me this article from the NYTimes about media bias.

Some selected quotes/links to whet your appetite:

As the movie "Outfoxed" makes clear, Fox News is for all practical purposes a G.O.P. propaganda agency.

In response to some of the G.O.P. scripting which portrayed the Democratic Convention as showing a 'different' side of the party (e.g. John Leo's column) Paul Krugman writes:

Luckily, in this age of the Internet it's possible to bypass the filter. At, you can find transcripts and videos of all the speeches. I'd urge everyone to watch Mr. Kerry and others for yourself, and make your own judgment.

Media watch sites:

The Campaign Desk
Media Matters
The Daily Howler

Other sites I have come across:

Air America Radio
Mother Jones
(just started my subscription, love the July/August issue)

I'll end with a scary/funny poster published in Mother Jones from Micah Wright's Propaganda Remix Project.

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